Make robust secrets with random characters, words, or numbers, using RANDOM.ORG true randomness (from atmospheric noise). Choose number of dice and how many times to roll to create passphrases from EFF word lists. Read more...
Number of rolls determines how many words in your passphrase. Number of dice determine which EFF word list to use: long or short. Defaults to 5 dice and 5 rolls and long word list for words type.
Mixed, numbers, and alphanumeric types don't use dice, but instead use length. Defaults to 20. Longer passwords are better. Mixed type uses an alphanumeric character list with capitals and these additional special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ + = - ? ~ ) (
Finally, if you want UUIDs or Faux IDs, you can choose this option. Defaults to UUID (32 alphanumeric characters seperated by hypens with the following pattern: 8-4-4-4-12). Read less...